A TV Special Celebrating the Relationship between the US and Israel

Sponsorship Details


Diamond Level

$50,000 Presenting Sponsor
  • Sponsorship mentioned on air during the event.
  • Sponsor ad included on a dedicated page during event.
  • Logo included in all social
  • media and email advertising - a reach of over 2 million.
  • Link to sponsor website or ad on IAD website
  • Sponsor promotion on IAD social media.
  • Sponsorship listing on chyron scrolling during event.
  • Large logo included on splash page during the event.
  • One page ad included in commemorative IAD program
  • 25 Virtual Tickets

Platinum Level

$25,000 Sponsor
  • Logo included in all social media and email advertising - a reach of over 2 million.
  • Link to sponsor website or ad on IAD website
  • Sponsor promotion on IAD social media.
  • Sponsorship listing on chyron scrolling during event.
  • Small logo included on splash page during the event.
  • Small logo included in commemorative IAD program
  • 20 Virtual Tickets

Gold Level

$10,000 Sponsor
  • Logo included in all social media and email advertising - a reach of over 2 million.
  • Small logo included on splash page during the event.
  • Small logo included in commemorative IAD program
  • 15 Virtual Tickets

Silver Level

$5,000 Sponsor
  • Name listing on splash page during the event.
  • Name listing in commemorative IAD program
  • Name listing on website and social media
  • 10 Virtual Tickets

Bronze Level

$1,000 Sponsor
  • Sponsorship acknowledgement on website and social media
  • 5 Virtual Tickets

Pay by check
Download the Registration Form

Become a sponsor

Those who love Israel must step up and speak out to save this great nation. Our future and the futures of our grandchildren depend on it. - Robert Chernin, Chairman

Select Sponsorship Level

Billing information (REQUIRED)

Payment information (REQUIRED)

Sponsorship Details


Diamond Level

$50,000 Presenting Sponsor
  • Sponsorship mentioned on air during the event.
  • Sponsor ad included on a dedicated page during event.
  • Logo included in all social
  • media and email advertising - a reach of over 2 million.
  • Link to sponsor website or ad on IAD website
  • Sponsor promotion on IAD social media.
  • Sponsorship listing on chyron scrolling during event.
  • Large logo included on splash page during the event.
  • One page ad included in commemorative IAD program
  • 25 Virtual Tickets

Platinum Level

$25,000 Sponsor
  • Logo included in all social media and email advertising - a reach of over 2 million.
  • Link to sponsor website or ad on IAD website
  • Sponsor promotion on IAD social media.
  • Sponsorship listing on chyron scrolling during event.
  • Small logo included on splash page during the event.
  • Small logo included in commemorative IAD program
  • 20 Virtual Tickets

Gold Level

$10,000 Sponsor
  • Logo included in all social media and email advertising - a reach of over 2 million.
  • Small logo included on splash page during the event.
  • Small logo included in commemorative IAD program
  • 15 Virtual Tickets

Silver Level

$5,000 Sponsor
  • Name listing on splash page during the event.
  • Name listing in commemorative IAD program
  • Name listing on website and social media
  • 10 Virtual Tickets

Bronze Level

$1,000 Sponsor
  • Sponsorship acknowledgement on website and social media
  • 5 Virtual Tickets

Pay by check
Download the Registration Form
© 2024 Israel Appreciation Day 2024