"Never Again Is Now"

The money we raise through this event will be used for additional educational events and projects like this to make sure the general public knows and understand the importance of Israel and the various aspects and special nature of the relationship with the United States and quite simply, to "change the narrative" in the United States.

With events last week in DC and over the last few days, coming together to show our support for Israel and to help educate people here on all the reasons why that support is so important, not just for America but to Judeo-Christian values in general, is critical. Never Again is now…and the time to shift from defense to offense in the public relations war is also now.


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"Never Again Is Now"

The money we raise through this event will be used for additional educational events and projects like this to make sure the general public knows and understand the importance of Israel and the various aspects and special nature of the relationship with the United States and quite simply, to "change the narrative" in the United States.

With events last week in DC and over the last few days, coming together to show our support for Israel and to help educate people here on all the reasons why that support is so important, not just for America but to Judeo-Christian values in general, is critical. Never Again is now…and the time to shift from defense to offense in the public relations war is also now.
© 2024 - 2025 Israel Appreciation Day