
Rabbi Raphael Shore

Filmmaker & Author


Rabbi Raphael Shore is an acclaimed filmmaker, author, human rights activist, and lifelong educational entrepreneur. As founder of OpenDor Media and the Clarion Project, Shore has played a pivotal role in shaping public discourse around Jewish identity, antisemitism, radical Islam, and the State of Israel, with 18 documentaries and 500 educational videos, including the award-winning feature films “Beneath the Helmet”, "Obsession" and "The Third Jihad," which have been viewed over 150 million times to date. 

Shore’s recent projects include Who’s Afraid of the Big, Bad Jew? Finding Clarity and Connection in the Face of Jew-Hatred, a seminal book that asks the tough – at times controversial – questions about the root of Jew-hatred; and the feature film, Tragic Awakening: A New Look at the Oldest Hatred.
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