
Kirsten Gillibrand

US Senator - New York


After being first elected to the House of Representatives, Kirsten became the first member of Congress ever to post a daily report listing her official meetings, earmark requests, and personal financial disclosures online for public consumption. Additionally, she authored the STOCK Act to ban members of Congress and their families from insider trading and has led reform efforts to ban members of Congress from owning and trading stocks at all.

In the Senate, Senator Gillibrand is a senior member of the Armed Services Committee and is chairwoman of the Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities. In addition, she is a longtime member of the Senate Agriculture Committee, where she has fought for dairy pricing reform on behalf of New York farmers and increased nutrition assistance for children, seniors and veterans. Senator Gillibrand also serves on the Senate Intelligence Committee with a focus on cybersecurity and on the Senate Aging Committee.
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